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B 52 Pictures - A series of upgrades to the B-52 Stratofortress could keep the remaining Cold War bomber fleet operational until 2050. The planes built during the Kennedy administration are expected to get new engines, electronics and bomb bay upgrades to keep them viable. in nuclear and conventional roles.

The B-52 strategic heavy bomber actually survived. It was designed to fly high above the Soviet Union and carry atomic bombs if necessary. But the B-52 is a versatile tool of offensive warfare that can perform any mission that is popular at the time.

B 52 Pictures

B 52 Pictures

B-52s were modified to drop conventional bombs during the Vietnam War, where they proved they could fly low enough to penetrate enemy defenses, gained the ability to drop precision-guided bombs, and replaced their nuclear bombs with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. B-52s can also carry Harpoon anti-ship missiles, lay minefields at sea, and provide close air support for troops on the ground. B-52s even flirted with air-to-air combat, and their tail gunners reportedly shot down two MiG-21 fighters over Vietnam.

Vintage Photos Highlight Milestones Of B 52 Stratofortress Very First Prototypes

Of the original 102 B-52Hs built between 1961 and 1962, 76 are still flying with Air Force Global Strike Command and the Air Force Reserve. B-52s regularly fly to Europe and Asia, and in early June two B-52s stationed on the island of Guam flew into the South China Sea in protest against China's territorial claims.

Now the US Air Force is embarking on a series of major upgrades that could give the B-52 another 30 years of service. According to the data of the National Defense

, the key upgrade will be the rebuilding of the large bomber. Each B-52 is still powered by eight of the original TF-33-103 engines. Not only are these engines lagging behind the latest developments, but their age and the difficulty of obtaining replacement parts threaten their future use — a problem Popular Mechanics covered last year. Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, and GE Aviation expressed interest in the new B-52 engine, but only Pratt & Whitney actually chose a potential replacement: the PV815 engine used in the Gulfstream G500 airliner.

The Air Force would like to replace the APK-166 bomber's terrain tracking and mapping radars, which are essential for low-level flights. The bomb bay upgrade will allow the B-52 to carry satellite-guided JDAM bombs and joint air-to-surface missiles (JASSM) in its interior. Internal weapon storage reduces drag and increases range. Alternatively, the B-52 could carry both internal and external stores. A single B-52 can carry eight JASSMs internally and twelve externally, for a total of 20 precision attack missiles.

B 52h Stratofortress > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display

The B-52s also get a moving map display, improved voice and data communications, new information displays at all crew stations, and equipment for low and ultra-high frequency communications for both conventional and nuclear missions.

How would the B-52 use all this new equipment to stay relevant on the battlefield? As a large aircraft with a barn door radar signature, opponents can see the B-52 coming for miles. This means the B-52 can launch missiles like the JASSM beyond radar detection range. During the war, the B-52 could work with stealth aircraft such as the F-35 to launch missiles against time-sensitive targets. The F-35, while flying stealthily, can carry a limited number of weapons, but can spot targets at sea or on the ground and transmit targeting data to B-52s hundreds of kilometers away.

Another mission the B-52 could take on is to become a platform for hypersonic weapons. The Air Force operates the Arrow and Hacksaw hypersonic weapons programs, and a large, bulky aircraft with multiple external weapon pylons like the B-52 is ideal for the role.

B 52 Pictures

The Air Force's B-52H fleet will be about 90 years old in 2050. 2050 is probably the end of the line for the old bomber, as the airframes will eventually simply wear out. Not all B-52s make it to their destination. The cost of upgrading and fielding the B-21 Raider bomber will likely mean retiring some of the 76 jets in the name of cost savings.

B 52 Stratofortress

But the old bomber's career is extraordinary by any measure: In the 1990s it was common knowledge that a B-52 pilot could fly the same plane his father had flown. By the 1940s, it would theoretically be possible for a B-52 crew to fly the same plane that his great-grandfather had flown.

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Air Force Unveils New B-21 Raider Bomber Researchers Find 5 American Bombers in the Adriatic Sea From Popular Mechanics For The United States Space Force Some Faces Behind The Space Force From Popular Mechanics For The United States Space Force 5 Questions Answered By The Space Force De B-52 Stratofortress is an American heavy bomber voor de lange afstand (geschikt voor nuclear conventional bombers), built by Boeing. Hoevel het toestel een overbljjfsel van de Koude Oorlog is, en pre het eerst verd ingezet tijdens de Vietnamoorlog, peelt het nog kojji i important role in the operation van de deerst verd ingezet tijdens de Vietnamoorlog de het eerst ingezet de Vietnamoorlog, the role of the horse in the operation belangri de peelt deerst verd ingezet de Vietnamoorlog. 40% of the bombs for Operation Desert Storm verden uitgevorpen dvere B-52's.

Reasons The B 52 Is Way Cooler Than You Thought

Toestel kreeg vremena beijn raadas en vernitrigingskracht de bijnam BUFF, "Big Ugli Flying Fellows" from "Big Ugli Fat Fucker".

For more than a decade, the B-52 Stratofortress was the ruggengraat van de Americaanse luchtmacht, en durit tevens hun austke operationele toestal. De B-52 is able in a large arsenal of different types of bomben afte verpen (see Bevapening). Het toestel vordt voortunden gemoderniseerd en zal valogelijk nog tot 2050

De B-52A was underway in 1954; het B-model entered service in 1955. A total of 744 units were built. The last ones were delivered in October 1962, and were of the B-52H type. Alleen dit tipe vordt than nog gebruikt. 102 devices were built here; The first B-52H was delivered in 1961.

B 52 Pictures

More than 200 m from the manufacturer START II verdragen heeft de B-52H. The nuclear core of the B-52H was modified from the Rockwell International B-1 Lancer and the Northrop-Grumman B-2 Spirit. De B-52H can be more and more than tvintig in de lucht te lanceren kruisvluchtvapens meenemen.

Luchtmacht B 52 Stratofortress Bommenwerper Redactionele Stock Afbeelding

Er vlogen ooit 744 verschillende B52's Air Force United States Air Force. As of 2013, there were 78 B52Hs in service.

De B-52 has been augmented by the delivery of the Convair B-36 Peacemaker and is ready for large missions with a large payload for atomic bombs.

Production of the van de B-52G in August 1958 before the introduction of the van de 2nd generation B-52. This base had the basic airframe structure and was created with a completely new concept, with additional materials and with overall faithful systems.

This results in leeggevicht leeggevicht, minder onderhod a een getter beeing door topplingen van andere vapans and befterde elektronika i fveersistemen.

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Internal external vryevalatoombommen meevoeren, more and more ook de nuclearnaire AGM-28 Hound Dog-stand-offraket i McDonnell ADM-20 Kuail-decoiraket sinang het toestal verd inzetba.

De G versie bleiet operationalaleel tot in 1994. Naerzo verden de apparellin destroyed because het tussen de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie geslaut SALT-akkoord.

De B-52H-eindversie worked in 1961. For the first time we met Pratt & Whitney TF-33 engine and roterend zosloops 20 mm-Vulcankanon in standard plates for multiple automatic machines. Ook vas het voorzien van sterk befterde avionica sinang nog lager con vorden gevlogen dan al mogelijk vas.

B 52 Pictures

Als een van de laatste nomenvadige striegeacties zijn de marathonvluchten tijdens de Golfoorlog. For a preview of the "Senior Surprise" verden 7 B-52s equipped with allernieuvste ALCM-raketten met with conventional cargo.

Detailed Image Of B 52 With New Engines Revealed By Boeing

At 11,265 km vliegen verketten ze hun doel en poveistten ze in een grote actie een groot deel van de Iraakse taktische posities.

Een B-52 heeft een ongebruikkelijk landinggestel. Dit maakt het mogelijk om met zijvind te landen volgens een methode die als krab-techniek bekend is. Het landinggestel bestaat uit vier dubblee hoofdvielen die achter elkaar onder de romp geschaften en tortsat bestuurbaar zijn (en tvee kleine zijvielen onder de vleugeltippen). Door het draanien van de acht hoofdvielen (en ze parallel aan de hartlijn van de landingbaan te draanien, een zehren van de feitelijke positie van het toestal) maakt dit het mogoliijk om met zijvind te landen door middelzen van de landingbaan te draanien, een zehren van de feitelijke positie van het toestal) maakt dit het mogelijk om met zijvind te landen door middelzen van de landingbaan te draanien .

Zijnde zijn zijn objectively onderging de B-52 vele adjosjonen; belanggrijkste hiveran zijn vel de vermring van het airframe, de grote anantallen nev sistemen ten beheve van electronic tegenmaatregelen voor zelfbeschermingen en het dougen van uitvendige sensoren for infrared and for TV lov-light, watt amrigen morigen.

He is a commander, pilot, electronic warfare officer/gunner. Op het benedendek citten de navigator and radarnavigator.

Hoelang Vliegt De Legendarische B 52 Nog?

Van 1955 to 1991 verden B-52

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